아래 내용은 비엘북스에서 출판한 "AI 비주얼 테크닉"이라는 책의 내용 중 극히 일부이다.

ㅇ공식 사이트 : https://vielbooks.com/319

ㅇ구매 사이트 : https://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/119860043


Bing image creator 사용하기



⏹️ 연습삼아 만들어보기

  1. picture of a cat in a hat
  2. a picture of a cat in a hat running through the roof
  3. a scene from a Hollywood animal movie, a cat in a hat running between the roofs, realism, long shot, ultra detail, composition of a movie, action camera, 1/1000 sec shutter, unreal engine, octane render

⏹️ 프롬프트 구성의 3요소

정의, 묘사, 보완

  1. 정의 : a scene from a Hollywood animal movie
  2. 묘사 : a cat in a hat running between the roofs
  3. 보완 : realism, long shot, ultra detail, composition of a movie, action camera, 1/1000 sec shutter, unreal engine, octane render

⏹️ 분위기 변경 : 호러영화

scene from a Hollywood horror movie, a cat in a hat runs between the roofs, scary atmosphere, realism, long shot, ultra detail, active pose, action photo, 1/1000 sec shutter, unreal engine, octane render


⏹️ 분위기 변경 : 일본 애니메이션

A scene from Japan's 2D anime, a cat in a hat runs between the roofs, long shot, ultra detail, active pose, action photo, 1/1000 sec shutter


✓ 달리2 프롬프트 북 참조 :


⏹️ A portrait of a dog in a library, Sigma 85mm f/1.4


⏹️ a female Korean high school student reading a newspaper, in Chinese watercolor, award-winning painting


⏹️ A 3D render of a teapot in the shape of a king with red hair, realistic, artstation, cg


⏹️ Air Jordan sneakers, digital art, product photography


⏹️ (A scene from a Hollywood horror movie:1.5), The city is overrun by (massive crumbling amoebas:1.4) that have destroyed buildings and contaminated the streets, leaving the entire metropolis shrouded in a palpable sense of dread and despair, (The buildings are in ruin:1.2). their facades smashed open by the relentless onslaught of the (monstrous organisms:1.2), The streets are clogged with debris and the air is thick with the stench of decay, Panic and chaos reign as the few remaining survivors desperately struggle to evade the relentless grasp of the amoebas, which seem to be everywhere at once. The once-thriving metropolis is now a ghost town. consumed by the all-consuming. insatiable hunger of the amoebas, (Bloody vines:1.1), blood puddles, collapsed buildings, puddles of red blood on the floor, puddles of red blood on the floor, (a bloody tentacle:1.3),( red fog:1.1), a half-broken skyscraper, (Countless half-rotten bodies:1.1), by (Zdzisław Beksiński:1.4), by (H.R. giger:1.1), (ultra high detail:1.3), high resolution, (cinematic lighting:1.3), Volume Light, Air perspective, Rule of thirds, epic angle, unreal engine 5, octane render, Hasselblad 58mm, sharp focus, shallow depth of field, (((very nice movie Color Grading)))


⏹️ Chat-GPT에게 달리에 사용할 프롬프트를 작성해달라고 하는 것도 좋은 방법이다.

GTP에 요청 :

DALL-E 3에 넣어서 이미지를 생성할 prompt를 작성하려고 해. 다음과 같은 장면을 묘사하고싶은데, 네가 좀 살을 붙여서 최대한 상세하고 디테일하게 영어로 작성해줬으면 해.

대도시가 거대한 아메바에 의해 습격 받아서 붕괴하고 부패했다. 도시 곳곳에는 아메바의 촉수로 가득하고 인간의 사체와 피 웅덩이로 가득하다. 몇몇 남은생존자들은 절망으로 웅크리고 있다.

GPT의 답변 :

A vast metropolis lies in ruins, succumbing to the devastating invasion of gigantic amoebas. These monstrous entities have overrun the city, their massive tentacles entwined around crumbling buildings and penetrating through shattered windows, creating a landscape of destruction and decay. The streets, once bustling with life, are now deserted and filled with the remnants of what used to be, including human corpses and pools of blood that dot the landscape, telling tales of a catastrophic downfall. Amidst this chaos, a few survivors cower in despair, hiding in the shadows and the ruins, barely clinging to hope. They are the last witnesses to the city's final hours, enveloped in a thick atmosphere of dread and an overwhelming sense of loss. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the once magnificent skyline is now a haunting silhouette against a darkened sky, overshadowed by the relentless advance of the amoebas. This scene captures the apocalypse of a city consumed by an unimaginable horror, a testament to the fragility of human civilization in the face of nature's unfathomable might.
